
Promoting Better Career Choices for Longer Working Lives

The transition towards a green economy, the rapid development of new digital technologies and cultural change are some of the forces disrupting traditional career paths, resulting in more fluid and diversified career trajectories. To benefit from increased longevity, workers will increasingly have to consider job mobility at middle and older ages, changing jobs or careers more frequently than in the past. Making successful career transitions, however, tends to be more difficult for workers at older ages due to health issues, unfamiliarity with relevant technology or a lack of recent job search experience.

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Darbinieki ilgtermiņā fokusējas uz profesionālo prasmju pilnveidi, lai veicinātu savu personīgo izaugsmi un spētu pielāgoties mūsdienu straujajam tempam un pārmaiņām darba tirgū, liecina nupat publicētas PwC aptaujas “Hopes and Fears” rezultāti. Aptaujā piedalījās vairāk nekā 56 000 darba ņēmēju 50 valstīs. Darbinieki atzīst, ka iepriekšējos 12 mēnešos izjutuši arvien lielāku darba slodzi (45%) un straujāku darba vides pārmaiņu tempu. Gandrīz divas trešdaļas (62%) uzskata, ka pērn darbā pieredzējuši vairāk pārmaiņu nekā iepriekšējos 12 mēnešos, un divas piektdaļas (40%) atzīmē, ka lielā vai ļoti lielā mērā ir mainījušies viņu ikdienas darba uzdevumi. Interesanti, ka teju puse (44%) nesaprot notiekošo pārmaiņu jēgu.

Ikona Bultiņa pa labi Bultiņas pa labi apraksts

As Europe-based companies tackle the challenges of slowing economies and tight labor markets, pursuing new levers for sustainable, inclusive growth has become an imperative. As McKinsey & Company recent research on accelerating Europe’s competitiveness highlights, Europe is a global leader on inclusion outcomes such as income inequality, social mobility, and social progress. But there is scope to go further in pursuing growth while extending the benefits of inclusivity across communities.

Ikona Bultiņa pa labi Bultiņas pa labi apraksts
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